Monday, July 11, 2016

July Sunset






This sunset wasn't very colorful.  But it was an amazing display of light throughout the sky.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

June Garden

Clarkia amoena (Farewell to Spring) in the ash tree garden.

Erigeron glaucus 'Sea Breeze' (Beach Aster) in the native meadow.

Mimulus cardinalis (Scarlet Monkey Flower) in the native meadow.

Phlomis (Jerusalem Sage) in the patio garden.

Stachys cooleyae (Cooley's Hedge Nettle) in the native meadow.

June 2016 was 2.6 degrees warmer & slightly wetter than normal at 1.77 inches.  Steve said the native meadow really looked like a meadow now.  The bed below the patio wall also looked great with abundant daylilies.