Sunday, April 5, 2020

March Garden 2020

Ribes sanguineum 'White Icicle' (Flowering Currant)

Veronica 'Georgia Blue'

Euphorbia myrsinites (Myrtle Spurge)

Anemone blanda (Grecian Windflower)

Helleborus x hybridus (Hellebore) March 2020

The garden in March was damp yet encouraging as plants flowered & shoots pushed up from the ground.  Hellebores had been blooming for more than a month.  The average temperature was 44.8.  That was 1.7 degrees cooler than normal.  Total rainfall was 3.17 inches.  That was 0.55 inches less than normal.  It rained a significant amount on 11 days & a small amount on 15 more.  The skies were mostly clear on 6 days.  There were 2 days when the temperature dropped to freezing at 32 degrees.  It was wet & gloomy as it often is in March.  The highest temperature was 62 on March 20.  The average high was 51.  The average low was 38.