Monday, May 1, 2017

April Garden 2017

Euphorbia characias

Dicentra formosa (Bleeding Heart)

Native meadow

Corydalis scouleri (Scouler's Fumewort)

Sambucus racemosa (Red Elderberry)

Pulmonaria 'Trevi Fountain' (Trevi Fountain Lungwort)

The garden in April was mostly wet & cool. The average monthly temperature was 50.6, slightly higher that normal.  Total rainfall was 4.21 inches, 1.50 inches more than normal.  There were 7 days without rain, 18 days were cloudy & 12 were partly cloudy.  The highest temperature was 66 on 4/21 & 4/16.  The lowest temperature was 38 on 4/11.  Highs were mostly in the 50s, lows in the 40s.  We went to the Washington Native Plant Society plant sale on Mercer Island where we bought 10 plants for the native garden.