Friday, September 6, 2019

August Garden 2019

Pinus pinea (Italian Stone Pine)

Sedum hispanicum

Clematis integrifolia

Stack of rocks

Sedum 'Autumn Joy'

The garden in August was preparing for fall.  Growth slowed, leaves turned brown, seed pods ripened & there were few flowers.  The average monthly temperature was 69.1.  That was 3 degrees above normal.  Total rainfall was 1.20 inches, 0.32 inches above normal.  The highest temperature was 89 on 8/28.  The lowest was 55 on 8/23.  Watering was done every 5 days, adjusting for days of significant rainfall: 3 days when it rained 0.30 inches, or more.  The greatest rainfall was 0.38 inches on 8/10.