Tuesday, November 3, 2020

October Garden 2020


Festuca ovina 'Beyond Blue' (Sheep Fescue) & Dorycnium hirsutum (Hairy Canary Clover)

Mystery mushrooms: As I was standing on the sidewalk one day in October, a man asked me if these mushrooms were edible.  I said, "I have no idea what they are."  He replied, "Don't eat them!"  I don't know where they came from.  They just started growing there, possibly from spores in the compost.  

Rubus parviflorus (Thumbleberry)

Mahonia repens (Creeping Mahonia)

Viola tricolor (Johnny-jump-up)

Hebe 'Red Edge'

Fatshedera lizei 'Aureo Maculata'

The garden in October was wet, but not as wet as normal.  Even as the leaves of  deciduous plants turned color & fell to the ground, evergreen plants put on new growth.  Total rainfall was 2.56 inches,  0.92 inches below normal.  It rained at least 0.01 inches on 11 days, 0.10 inches on 5 days & 0.5 inches on 3 days.  The most rain (2.19 inches) fell on October 9 through 13. The average maximum temperature was 60.2 degrees, 0.5 degrees above normal.  The mean temperature was 54.3 degrees, 1.5 degrees above normal.